Operation & Basics
The Central Office of the Joint Library Network (VZG of the GBV) is responsible for the technical operation of deposit_hagen acting as a service provider on behalf of the FernUniversität in Hagen.
The GBV guarantees that the documents in the repository will be available for five years, unless the FernUniversität in Hagen takes on this responsibility itself. Documents subject to compulsory submission to the German National Library are also archived and stored there. As a rule, the publications you submit to deposit_hagen are protected against data loss by daily backups.
The assignment of uniform resource names (URN) ensures the permanent and reliable identification and citation of stored electronic documents. URNs are managed and assigned by the German National Library.
The electronic documents are described using structured metadata. As part of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), the formal and content metadata of the published documents are transferred to established, scientific search engines such as OAIster and BASE. The data is transmitted via the standardized interface OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH 2.0) interface. Additional indexing of the documents by Google Scholar further increases the global visibility of the articles on deposit_hagen.
The metadata is stored in a MODS-based bibliographic format. The Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is an XML format that is managed and continuously developed by the Library of Congress in the USA. The metadata can be exported in common bibliographic formats. The available formats include BibTex for LaTeX and RIS for Citavi and Endnote.